Sunday, September 2, 2007

aaahhhhhhhh.. ^_^

It sure has been 2 crazy weeks since I last blog. The last time was about the soft-shell turtle that I helped Prof Chan to excavate and wash up the bones. Then last week from Thursday (23rd August) to Sunday (26th August), I took part in being the exhibitioner during the Convocation at the campus. Since I was doing my final year project (that's my thesis for those who are from out of Malaysia) on marine turtles, of course I would definitely have to help out Prof Chan in attending the Sea Turtle Research Unit (SEATRU) booth. At first, I only did it because I felt like I had nothing much to do. Then afterwards, it was fun having to answer all the questions the visitors kept asking. I was there only to educate the people about the sea turtle conservation that University of Malaysia, Terengganu (UMT) does. Prof Chan was more than pleased that I was able to attend the booth because I told her that I do not feel comfortable having to leave the preserved hatchlings unattended.

I mean of course it does look cool, but anyone can easily steal it and keep it for themselves. Leatherbacks are no longer to be seen in Malaysia, so of course anyone would love to keep a preserved hatchling. Anyway...

Then a few days back, I got busy with my proposal report for my Final Year Project. Owh yeah, my final year project is titled:

"An analysis on hatched hawksbill turtle nests incubated under hatchery conditions in Padang Kemunting, Melaka".

So exactly what does that mean? Well, my final year project focus on the conditions of the eggs of those that have been hatched and unhatch. I will be highlighting what are the causes why some hawksbill turtle do not hatch, and what are the ways to improve the hatching success. So overall, my research will help a lot to understand on hatchery management as to how to run the hatchery efficiently with high hatching success with the hawksbill turtle nest.

Well speaking of hatchery, guess what? I got a job offer!! I was so suprised about it that I was like in a state of shock when I had the conversation with that lady on the phone. Well the job offer was given to me through one of my professors, because she knew that I was the right person for the job. The job offer is having to be hatchery manager at the sea turtle hatchery in the east coast. I can't reveal all yet, but this is as much I can say for now. I'll keep up to date with more info later.

Okie lah, I guess I better go to sleep. I'll be picking Chin up from the airport by 8am. Life sure is sweet once again..... ^_^

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