Saturday, June 27, 2009

Observer Programme

I just arrived in KL this morning, and I know I'm in KL when the taxi driver can drive as fast as a tuned up car. There were a few screeching turns, which surprises me that the guy didn't care to answer my question about "whether it's OK to drive like this to his taxi." Anyhow...

By 1st of July, I'll be working with WWF-Malaysia in Melaka as a Daily Paid Assistant on the Observer Programme in the Andaman Sea Ecoregion project. Basically, I'm being paid by the day for the work I do over there, which is basically to: i) collect data; ii) get to know the fishermen; and iii) evaluate the data collected to highlight the hotspots for fishery and incidental catch of turtles. First of all, observer programme can be defined as being "responsible for providing the training and support necessary for deploying observers on board fishing vessels in order to collect the fisheries-dependent information essential to achieving the management objectives of the programme" (WikiPedia: Fisheries Observer). This will definitely help me to understand how fishermen react when they see a turtle in one their catch, and at the same time, learn the variety of species by which they caught. My time there will end by 30th of September, and I'm really looking forward to this experience.

In the mean time, I'm going to watch Transformers2 with Kuan, Pian and Ting Ting tomorrow at MidValley. Hehe.. ;D

1 comment:

  1. Hi, i know i have promised you to do something for your blog. i know i broke my promised. i am sorry i could not practise what i preached.

    i m still learning about blog and i really hope i can spend a lil time of a day for blog like yours.

    i think your blog got a mission. i think there is meaning. and if possible i will link it in my blog if you don't mind.

    thanks for the time. =)
