Friday, June 5, 2009

27, and I'm closing to my 30s...

I have to admit, last night was the most romantic night I have ever been with Berry. From the moment when I saw walking out of her house until the time I look deeply into her eyes as I confessed to her, she really made my 27th birthday truly special. Up till now, Berry has been the only girl who made my palm sweat as I was nervously talking to her for the first time. I really should have gone for her after coming back from UKM back in 2005. Then again, I can't deny the strings of fate that has been set forth upon me by Allah. Anyway, Berry, thanks for starting my 27th year on earth with the romantic touch you have done upon me. I know I have confessed my love to thee, but I don't expect any decision anytime soon. Take as much time as you want because I love you, and I do want to be there for you when you need me the most. You are the other half that I have been praying hard for, and the bestest friend that I could ever ask for.

Anyway, other than the romantic evening, well I told everyone in Facebook that I will have the Technology Free Day, which is basically me not having to use anything that involves technology, and in this case, I focus on electricity. Well not all of it did I avoid using, but as long I stay away from my laptop and my mobile phone, that's good enough for me to achieve my targets. So the whole day I went for some jungle walk, which I stumble upon a good place for a paintball game, and also a place to have ATV (All Terrain Vehicle, ya know the bike with four wheels) adventure. Afterwards, I did my aikido meditation by the waterfalls. I managed to do so even with the noise coming from the kids playing there as well. I am truly amazed with the numbers of text sms, phone calls, emails, and messages left on my Facebook wall from my loved ones and awesome buddies to greet on my birthday. This is truly a good day, and I thank everyone who wished me on my birthday. Especially to Berry, the gal who just know how to make my life interesting out of boredom. Hehe.

Enjoy the video.. ;)


  1. thanks.. ^_^
    although I'm very grateful for Berry to go so far to cheer my birthday..
    hehe.. :">
